Tina E. Yeh Community Service Fellowship

For over thirty years, this program has encouraged Yale undergraduates and recent graduates to become involved in community service through summer internships.
Our goal is to nurture the leadership development of students and lend support to nonprofit organizations around the country that provide critical services to poor and disenfranchised communities. In the early 2000s, members of AAAYA established the Tina E. Yeh Community Service Fellowship through the Asian Pacific Fund, a community foundation, in memory of Tina E. Yeh ’83.
Who was Tina Yeh?
Tina Eugenia Yeh graduated from Yale University in 1983 and also received a master’s degree at Yale’s School of Organization and Management. Tina was a gentle and kind soul, and was dearly loved by the many people whose lives she touched and her grace, selflessness, and good humor. A hard worker, she nonetheless was dedicated to her family and devoted to her friends and especially their children. Tina served as a floating counselor during her senior year. Tina perished with her father and aunt on October 31, 2000 when the plane on which she was a passenger crashed on takeoff from Taipei’s Chiang Kaishek Airport in a severe storm. Remembrances can be read here.
Current undergraduates, recent graduates and graduate students of Yale University of at least 50% Asian ethnic heritage are eligible to apply. We seek applicants both with and without experience at Asian American community organizations. Priority will be given to undergraduates and students on financial aid, but all interested students are encouraged to apply.
Funding Information
Winners of the fellowship will receive a $3,000 grants. The check will be made directly to the sponsoring organization by the Asian Pacific Fund. Fellowships are intended to help make up for summer earnings that students would lose by volunteering at nonprofit organizations instead of taking paying jobs. AAAYA will also consider applications for independent projects, provided that someone at a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization agrees to oversee the project.
What are my post-fellowship obligations
After completing the fellowship, you will be required to submit a report documenting your experience. You will also be asked to serve as a resource to others interested in the fellowship.

Does the 250-500 recommended word count for the essay questions apply to the entire question or to each sub-question?
It applies to each question, but use your best judgement when respecting the recommended word count.
Are resumes required, recommended, and/or accepted?|
No, resumes are not required but if you believe that a resume would significantly add to your application, feel free to send it in.
If I am unable to access my FAFSA EFC report, could I instead include a copy of the email with my FAFSA EFC?
Yes. Please make sure information regarding your parents’ income is included.
Where can I work?
You should plan to work about 10 weeks at a 501(c)(3) nonprofit org in the US that serves Asian Americans and that has at least 1 paid full-time employee. The host organization does not have to be one of the organizations listed in the application. Regardless of whether the host organization is on the application, you must contact the organization to set up the internship.
Where have fellows worked in the past?
Asian American Legal Defense Fund’s Polaris Project (NYC)
Asian American Justice Center (DC)
Asian Community Services (New Haven)
Asian Evangelical Church (Bridgeport, CT)
Asian Health Coalition (Chicago)
Asian Health Services (Oakland)
Asian Immigrant Women Advocates (Oakland)
APA Legal Resource Center (DC)
Asian Law Caucus (San Francisco)
Chhaya Community Development Center (Queens, NYC)
Chinese American Planning Council (NYC)
Coalition Against Anti-Asian Violence (NYC)
Greater Boston Legal Services (Boston)
Helping Link (Seattle)
Kearny Street Workshop (San Francisco)
Korean American Community Foundation (NYC)
Korean Community Center of the East Bay (Oakland)
Museum of Chinese in America (NYC)
NY Asian Women’s Center (NYC)
Organization of Chinese Americans (DC)
Red Canary Song (NYC)
Sakhi for South Asian Women (NYC)
Slant Performance Group (NYC)
United Cambodian Association of Minnesota (Minnesota)
Vietnamese Culture and Science Association (Houston)
Word for Word Performing Arts Company (San Francisco)