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New York City-Yale Career Panels: A Candid View of the Education Profession, Nov. 11, 2013

This event is the tenth in a series covering different professions.  The concept is to have a diverse panel of educators at different stages in their careers and in different areas of education, all of whom will provide candid views of their profession.  A special thanks to Patricia Takemoto who organized the panelists for this event.

The panel discussion will be conducted simultaneously in New York City and at Yale, with the panelists and the moderator in New York. The two meeting rooms will be connected via video conference and the audience will be at both locations. Yale students and alumni are welcome to attend at either location. In addition, the panel discussion will be broadcast over the internet as a streaming video for those who cannot attend in person.

Time: Monday, November 11, 2013 from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm EST

(The panelists have agreed to stay for an additional 30 minutes from 5:30 pm to 6 pm to answer additional questions.)

Locations and Webinar:

New York Location: Conference Room 2906 at Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison, 1285 Avenue of the Americas, New York

Yale Location: Room 116, William Harkness Hall, 100 Wall Street, Yale University

Webinar: Streaming video and optional audio conference call

Please register for just one venue (New York, New Haven or the Webinar)


  1. Where is the profession heading (good and bad)?

  2. How do you get into the profession and what is the typical career path?

  3. What are the myths versus the realities?

  4. What are the characteristics of people who tend to do well and are happy in the profession?

  5. What types of people tend not to do well or end up unhappy and why?

  6. If you don’t stay in the profession until retirement, what are the exit routes to other professions?


Michaela Daniel, Senior Education and Immigration Policy Advisor for New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, (Yale School of Management)

George Davison, Head of Grace Church School, New York City (Yale College 1979)

Joanna Dolgin, College Preparatory English Course designer and teacher, New York Public School System, (Yale College 2003)

Leslie Waltzer, Chair of the Performing Arts Department at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Manhattan (Yale College)

Moderator and Organizer:

Peter Young, President and Managing Director, Young & Partners (Yale College 1974)


Michaela Daniel

Ms. Daniel is the senior education and immigration policy advisor for New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn.  Prior to working for the City Council, Ms. Daniel was a founding co-head of school and Director of Operations at Leadership Prep Bedford Stuyvesant.  Her experience in education also includes teaching middle school English at a public school in the Bronx, serving as the High School Placement and Programming Director at Breakthrough New York, working as a summer policy analyst at the White House Domestic Policy Council, running a pro-bono college advising business for low-income and underrepresented students, and a decade of mentoring.

Ms. Daniel is a graduate of the Yale School of Management and Harvard College.

George P. Davison

Mr. Davison is the Head of Grace Church School.  He  came to GCS in 1987 as the Assistant Head and was appointed to the Headship in 1994.  Grace Church School is an independent day school that has an enrollment of 564 boys and girls ages four to sixteen.  Founded in 1894 as the choir school of Grace Church (Episcopal), it was reorganized in 1947 as a coed church-related elementary school that would serve all of the communities that make up Lower Manhattan.  In 2012 Grace opened a High School Division, which now includes 9th and 10th grades and is expanding by a grade each year.  Before coming to Grace Church School in 1987, Mr. Davison was Head of the Middle School at Birch Wathen and before that a teacher at Saint David’s School both of New York City.

He is the past President of the Guild of Independent Schools of New York.  He is a long time board member of Learning Leaders, which trains and places volunteers as tutors and other important academic support positions in the New York City Public Schools.  He is also on the Board of the Parents League and is a member of the Advisory Board of Parents in Action.

Mr. Davison received a BA in History from Yale College in 1979 and has an MA in the History of Education from Teachers College of Columbia University.

Joanna Dolgin

For the past ten years Ms. Dogin has been designing and implementing inquiry based, college preparatory English courses in New York City public schools serving high needs students.  Ms. Dolgin frequently runs workshops for teachers from across the country on designing rigorous, inquiry based curriculum and authentic assessments.  She is the co-author of Authentic Assessments for the English Classroom (National Council of Teachers of English, 2010).

Ms. Dolgin graduated cum laude from Yale College in 2003 with a BA in English and earned a Master’s degree in Liberal Studies from the City University of New York’s Graduate Center.

Leslie Waltzer

Ms. Waltzer’s career in education includes an on-going private voice and piano studio as well as coaching for competitions and college applications.  She was formerly on the music faculty of Five Towns College and for the past 20 years she has been Chair of the Performing Arts Department at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Manhattan.  CSH is New York City’s oldest independent school for girls founded in 1881.

As a soprano soloist, Ms. Waltzer has appeared with numerous local New York opera companies as well as with the Des Moines Metro Opera, the Goldovsky Opera and at the Blossom Music Festival of the Cleveland Orchestra.  She has also performed in recitals, chamber music concerts, and oratorio in the United States and in Europe with AIMS in Graz, Austria, with the Teatro Lirico Sperimentale in Spoleto, Italy and with the Concordia Orchestra at Alice Tully Hall.

In addition, Ms. Waltzer is an accomplished pianist and organist and has held the position of Music Director and soprano soloist at various churches in the New York Metropolitan area.  As General Manager of Concert Opera of Manhattan she produced the NYC premiere of the “lost” Rossini opera, Il viaggio a Reims, at Town Hall.

Ms. Waltzer was graduated from Yale College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in music.  She earned her Master’s degree in music performance from Hunter College and did subsequent graduate work at The Juilliard School.

Peter Young (Moderator)

Mr. Young is President and a Managing Director of Young & Partners, a leading boutique investment banking firm focused on the life science and chemical industries. He manages the firm and is actively involved in client transactions and financings. Under his leadership, Young & Partners has established and maintained its position as a highly regarded firm.

Prior to founding Young & Partners, Mr. Young was head of various related industry groups at Salomon Brothers, Schroders, and Lehman Brothers for ten years.  Mr. Young has been an investment banker serving the chemical and pharma industries for twenty seven years assisting a wide variety of chemical and life science companies on a global basis with regard to mergers, acquisitions, restructurings and capital raising.

Early in his career while with Bain & Co., Mr. Young provided strategic advice to major chemical and life science companies. He was also a senior member of J.H. Whitney & Co. the venture capital firm.

Mr. Young received an M.B.A. from the Harvard Business School (Baker Scholar with Highest Distinction), an M.S. in Accounting from the New York University and a B.A. in Economics from Yale University.  He is a Certified Public Accountant and member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants.

Previous Panels

Previous panels have covered film and drama, legal, investment banking, entrepreurism, consulting, and medical.  The series for 2013-14 will cover a number of new professions, including investing (private equity, venture capital and fund management), education, government and non-profit organizations and a repeat of the medical profession.

The Series Sponsors

This series is jointly supported by various organizations at Yale University and Yale Alumni organizations, including Yale Undergraduate Career Services, the Association of Yale Alumni (AYA), Students and Alumni of Yale (STAY), the Junior Class Council (JCC), the Yale Alumni Association of New York (YAANY), the Asian American Cultural Center, and the Association of Asian American Yale Alumni (AAAYA).

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