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Feb. 5, 2009 Northern California AAAYA Gathering in SF

Wayne Lew '72, Scott Bowker '89, Neill Tseng '96, and Vincent Law '00

Four decades represented by Neill Tseng '96, Vincent Law '00, Wayne Lew '72, and Scott Bowker '89.

Ruth Kwon '98, Shannon King '99, Harry Chang '84, Lulu Wong

Ruth Kwon '98, Shannon King '99, Harry Chang '84, Lulu Wong '90.

35 AAAYA alumni and guests from ’72 to present enjoyed an after-work cocktail reception in San Francisco at the law offices of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, hosted by Ruth Kwon ’98, Shannon King ’99 and Vincent Law ’00. The purpose was to get together to plan and launch AAAYA Northern California chapter.  Yalies from Yale College, SOM, Drama, Law, Architecture, and the Medical school were all represented.

A very special guest coming all the way to support us from New Haven was Kameka Dempsey, director of AYA Shared Interest Groups.

17 people wrote their names on the whiteboard to volunteer to be an officer or otherwise help, and overall there was a ton of enthusiasm. Possible activities and programs of interest raised by attendees included:

  1. Arrange interesting speakers on a wide range of topics to keep us learning

  2. Community Service activities

  3. Get involved helping ASC with interviewing

  4. Mentoring

  5. Summer Picnic to welcome new grads moving to the Bay Area (and students on summer break). Help transplants get oriented to the Bay Area.

  6. Externships for Yale students on break: Have them come “Shadow” you at work.

  7. Synch up and partner with Yale Club of SF and Silicon Valley.

  8. March 21 Redpath event

  9. May 16 Yale Day of Service

  10. Need to improve our communications with alumni. Consider using online social networking sites like Linked-In, Facebook and YahooGroups more effectively.

Organizers included: Harry Chang ’84, Grant Din ’79, Katharine Hsiao ’82, Wei-Tai Kwok ’85, Jimmy Lu ’77 and David Yu ’00.

Northern CA AAAYA Planning meeting

Northern CA AAAYA Planning meeting

Christine Hung '06, Kevin Lin '04, Bryan Wong '05, Jie Zhou '02

Christine Hung '06, Kevin Lin '04, Bryan Wong '05, Jie Zhou '02

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