To: Asian & Asian American Yale Alumni
As many of you may have heard on the news, a tragedy occurred at Yale last month. Graduate student Annie Le was killed at her workplace, and a colleague has been arrested for the murder.
Grant Din ’79, Kristina Yee ’89, and I attended Annie’s funeral on September 26th to represent the University and the Yale Asian American Alumni community. At the memorial service, we read and delivered a letter to the Le family on behalf of AAAYA. It was a very moving and inspirational service. From the stories told by Annie’s friends and teachers, Annie was a little dynamo who had great aspirations. She was a leader and a go-getter, but she also had a big heart and a bigger smile.
To keep her wonderful spirit alive, Yale has established the Annie Le Scholarship Fund. I hope you will consider contributing to the fund in Annie’s honor. Checks can be sent to:
Annie Le Scholarship Fund Yale Office of Development P.O. Box 2038 New Haven, CT 06521-2038
I believe our donations will be even more meaningful to Yale and to the Le family if we can aggregate our donations under AAAYA. To do the aggregation, I suggest one or both of the following:
After you send in your donation, send me an email with your name and contribution amount.
Write “AAAYA” in the memo field of your check. We will ask Yale to send us a summary of the AAAYA-originated donations.
Thanks in advance for your consideration.
Best regards,
Harry Chang ‘84 AAAYA Board Member